My new phone (if it becomes a reality)

Cannonical is developing a new phone with some impressive hardware at its core. It’s called the edge and, provided I can ditch the announced Android part altogether, it will run on open source software without the meddling of Google or any other big name in phone software! Whoohoo!

This project is being funded through the crowdfunding site Indigogo, and the phone will only launch if the whole whopping 32M is raised. Unfortunately I don’t have $830 of disposable income that I can throw away at will, so I’ll have to save up and see if it launches and will be available in stores after all. (currently it is only available through pledging support)

If it does launch however, it will put me one step closer to fulfilling my dream of having a phone where I can choose what I want to do with it, and hopefully won’t be bothered with the plans of some software maker for their platform with all the privacy shenanigans that usually come with it. (at least in the case of Google and Apple)

More info on the phone can be found at Indigogo

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