Privacy statement

This site will gather data on your visits in order to be able to generate statistical information for the website operators:

To do so, we collect your IP on each page request.

The reasons for doing so are twofold:

  1. Preventing harmful actions undertaken against this site. We keep track of all visits on the basis of IP addresses. These are logged. All logs are stored for at least 30 days. Depending on the nature of the visit this may extend up to a year. All logs are automatically deleted when the predefined storage term expires.
  2. Popularity analysis of the content. To see what content is popular, we keep track of which pages are visited so that we have a better understanding what people are interested in, and to prevent overloading the web service.

If we wouldn’t collect this data, we would be liable to attack and/or negligence, which we don’t want to.

Our use of cookies:

We aim not to use cookies for nefarious purposes such as automated behavioural analysis. In fact we aim to minimize the use of cookies, but we can’t always prevent them at all times due to how WordPress operates. (sorry!)

  • If you’re not logged in, the only cookie that is set, is the cookie that determines wether you have given consent to use cookies.
  • If you are logged in, then WordPress uses some cookies to keep track of what you’re doing.


For increased privacy, our robots.txt file requests that this site is not indexed. Most bots comply, but statistical analysis on page hits has shown some bots ignore this request.

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