May it be a prosperous, healthy and happy year for you.
Category Archives: Life
EU leaders postpone new privacy directive under false pretense.
Today I learned that the EU is postponing the introduction of new privacy regulations that would make our on-line lives a bit less hostile than is currently the case. They claim to need more time, but yesterday a letter from a group of lobbyist organizations was made public that puts pressure on the European leaders to lessen regulatory pressure on companies operating in the EU. To me, the timing of the delay is therefore suspicious. Continue reading
Dutch government is going Greek.
Against my expectations, the dutch political party D66 has made a deal with the government to support their policies in the senate of the dutch parliament. This has enabled the government to make a deal that I’m not that happy about, even though some of the measures are not half bad, like the reform of the unemployment benefits. Continue reading
Why Saxion is not a place for learning
I’ve had it. Saxion Enschede is just the worst place to study. It’s a baaaaaaad school. (and this is mainly a rant. I need to blow some steam) Continue reading
Announcing operation ‘e-life reboot’
I’m going to clean up my digital life. No more google, facebook, gmx, linkedin and hotmail. From now on I’m going to be in control about who controls my data. (to the extent possible)
I’ll update this article with my progress so far.
Step 1: notify everyone that I’m leaving facebook. — in progress
Step 2: notify everyone that I’m leaving linkedin.
Step 3: end the FB and LI account –done for FB
Step 4: clean up subscriptions on my previous mail addresses.
Step 5: clean up all mail addresses.
Step 6: Annoy the hell out of FB and LI for retaining my data. (optional)
If you want to know why, read on:
Has thinking become a rare commodity these days?
A certain thought has struck me several times in the last few months. More and more it seems that people are just (acting?) plain stupid. An increasing amount of people in my environment seem to be acting like simpletons. They’re people who don’t think much and who can’t answer questions that require more than the simplest thought processes, or if they do attempt to answer tougher questions, they don’t seem to be able to without getting either upset first. Continue reading
Financial tax: bubble creator extraordinaire.
Today I heard that the EU is planning to continue with its plan to implement a financial/stock exchange transaction tax. The idea is to let the financial institutions pay for the costs that have been made for saving banks in the past and to pay for saving them in the future.
I find the whole idea utterly repulsive. Here’s why: Continue reading
On a happier note…
I just want to share with the world that I intend to not only complain, but also write happier posts on this blog in the future.
BTW, the weather is beautiful today :). (A tad cold perhaps, but nice 🙂 )
If you do something, do it well or don’t do it at all!
Lately I’ve become more and more frustrated with people who do the things they do in a way which can only be called sloppy, or as just good enough to get by On the other hand I myself have become a rather ardent supporter of the slogan “do it right, or don’t do it at all.” Continue reading
I hope Google dies in an epic quest just after it defeats Apple.
I have problems with the state of tech these days. 99% of tech companies are evil. Google and Apple stand out though. Continue reading